Thursday, August 6, 2009

Positive Visualization

Do you practice positive visualization? For many people it is a regular part of life that they take very seriously. These people tend to be happier, healthier and wealthier than the other 97% of the population, but is there any real connection with the positive visualization and their success or is it all just in their minds?

For hundreds of years, the most successful people have known about and used the power of positive visualization. Over time, experts recognized that there was a definite connection between positive visualization and improved performance in sports, business, relationships, you name it. But, what they didn't know was whether this increased performance was simply due to a more positive attitude or if there was something deeper.

Today, scientists are discovering that there are physical changes (as well as the emotional and mental changes) that occur when a person uses positive visualization. If you have seen the movie The Secret (if you haven't I highly suggest you do asap) you will remember that the Quantum Physicists that were featured talked a bit about that physical connection between our thoughts and the reality we create.

You will create whatever life you visualize in your mind, so determine your vision and then focus intently on that vision for at least 10 minutes each day (more if possible). It is helpful to make a "vision board" and paste actual pictures that relate to the things you want: a bigger house, more money, improved relationships with your family, whatever. This is one of the greatest keys to success and I hope that you will use positive visualization to help increase your Chiropractic business.

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