Saturday, August 8, 2009

Online Marketing Tips for your Chiropractic Practice

The entire landscape of the Chiropractic industry has changed dramatically in the last few years. On one hand, Chiropractic has begun to achieve more mainstream acceptance and on the other insurance companies have sliced coverage which has slowed down the number of patients coming in. What is a 21st Century Chiropractor to do? Online marketing. The time has come for Chiropractors to take advantage of the best technology available today and use the internet to their advantage.

Online marketing is not simply advertising your Chiropractic business online. It is about branding yourself. It is about educating patients about all the aspects of their health which will include their need for Chiropractic care. As you give them a lot of value I.E. information for free, you will earn their trust and respect. As you earn their trust you will also earn their business.

I also highly recommend supplementing your Chiropractic business with consumable products that improve your patients' health. You will also be able to market these products online to make additional income. In my experience some Chiropractors find that the income they make from marketing healthy products often surpasses the amount made from seeing patients and helps to set them up for a very comfortable retirement.

You will learn much more about these and other Chiropractic marketing strategies at my seminars.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Positive Visualization

Do you practice positive visualization? For many people it is a regular part of life that they take very seriously. These people tend to be happier, healthier and wealthier than the other 97% of the population, but is there any real connection with the positive visualization and their success or is it all just in their minds?

For hundreds of years, the most successful people have known about and used the power of positive visualization. Over time, experts recognized that there was a definite connection between positive visualization and improved performance in sports, business, relationships, you name it. But, what they didn't know was whether this increased performance was simply due to a more positive attitude or if there was something deeper.

Today, scientists are discovering that there are physical changes (as well as the emotional and mental changes) that occur when a person uses positive visualization. If you have seen the movie The Secret (if you haven't I highly suggest you do asap) you will remember that the Quantum Physicists that were featured talked a bit about that physical connection between our thoughts and the reality we create.

You will create whatever life you visualize in your mind, so determine your vision and then focus intently on that vision for at least 10 minutes each day (more if possible). It is helpful to make a "vision board" and paste actual pictures that relate to the things you want: a bigger house, more money, improved relationships with your family, whatever. This is one of the greatest keys to success and I hope that you will use positive visualization to help increase your Chiropractic business.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Getting More Patients in Your Chiropractic Practice

I believe that every challenge that comes our way is there to make us better and stronger. The wrinkles in the current economy are simply an opportunity for us to learn how to market ourselves better and improve our businesses. There is no coasting along anymore and simply opening your door and placing an ad in the yellow pages just isn't enough these days.

There are many, many ways you can increase your Chiropractic practice, attract new patients and make more money from existing patients. Obviously the first step is by providing the best possible patient care in town. Treat your patients right, take care of their concerns and they will recommend you to their friends and neighbors.

Another important consideration is the atmosphere of your office. You must create a positive, inviting environment that makes people happy to be in. There must be no visible clutter and the decor should be fresh, clean and have a style that helps to "brand" you and your office. Think about the message you want patients to get about you and your office and share with their friends and then think about how your office can help send that message.

There are also many ways to use New Media, Web 2.0, Social Networking and so forth to market your business and drive your profits through the roof. I am giving a webinar on how to use social media to accelerate your Chiropractic business on August 13th, so why not join me?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What does Chiropractic Success Look Like to You?

What does success look like to you? Chances are that whatever image you hold in your mind is exactly what you will get. If your idea of success is making enough money to pay the bills and still be able to go out on Saturday night, that is probably what you will get. But, why not dream a little bigger? You can create anything you want in life and in your Chiropractic business if you will simply believe it is possible and then take action.

Attending a Chiropractic marketing seminar may very well be your first step to success. There are several benefits to attending such as:

  1. Learning practical strategies to grow your Chiropractic business

  2. Networking with other Chiropractors

  3. Sharing the energy created by a large number of success-minded people

You have already invested many years of your life learning how to be a Chiropractor. Now you can learn how to market yourself and your business to achieve your maximum potential by regularly attending Chiropractic Marketing seminars and daring to dream about success.

Come join me August 28th and 29th and get your Chiropractic business on the road to success.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Chiropractic Marketing Seminars

If you are a Chiropractor you might not think of yourself as being in the marketing business. But, the fact is that if you don't recognize that you ARE in the marketing business you are going to severely limit your potential for success. Of course the most important thing is to do your job as a doctor well, develop a rapport with your patients and get good word of mouth advertising, but there is so much more you can do to increase your business and maximize your earning potential.

You might want to consider attending a Chiropractic Marketing Seminar as soon as you have the chance. I am having another seminar August 28th and 29th in Houston and this would be a great opportunity for you to learn some key ways to increase your income starting right away. Sure you will have to rearrange your schedule for a few days and buy a plane ticket, but I promise it will be well worth it.

Your Chiropractic practice is your life, you have invested many years into your education and building your practice and now is the time to take all the training and investing you have done to the next level and start earning the kind of income you always dreamed of.

Check out my next seminar here.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Importance of Exercise

As you may know, Chiropractic care is all about taking care of your body. Spinal adjustment is one element of your total health. Maintaining proper alignment requires several key components all working together. A healthy diet, regular exercise, proper rest and being aware of your posture are all things that can help keep your body in alignment and keep you healthy.

Proper exercise helps to improve bone density and muscle mass. Your muscles are the support structure for your bones and therefore very important in keeping your body in alignment. Of course there are many other benefits of exercise including:

  1. Improved cardiovascular function

  2. Increased circulation

  3. Weight reduction/maintenance

  4. Improved sleep patterns

  5. Stress reduction

That's just to name a few. I hope that you will make exercise a regular part of your health maintenance program. Of course, when strenuous activity or an accident puts your body out of alignment you should see your Chiropractor in addition to periodic visits to maintain optimal alignment and good health.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Power of Sleep

Ironic that I should be writing this post at midnight, I know, but sleep is a vital part of your overall health and well-being. Your cells rejuvenate while you are sleeping. Healing takes place while you are sleeping. Your hormones are regulated while you sleep. When you don't get enough sleep you face consequences far graver than feeling a little tired and needing an extra cup of coffee or an energy drink to get you going during the day, you are aging your body more quickly and possibly causing long term damage to your adrenal glands.

I could go on and on about all the reasons you need to get your "beauty sleep" (btw, they don't call it that for nothing), but then I wouldn't be getting the sleep I need to rejuvenate my cells now, would I?

Ideally, you should go to bed no later than 10:30pm and you should go to bed at around the same time every night. Try to aim for at least eight hours of uninterupted sleep per night. Of course there are times in life that you just can't seem to get enough sleep, like after having a new baby or when you have a project that has to be completed, but they point is to aim for consistency as much as possible and perhaps compensate for lost sleep with an occasional nap.

Here's to your health!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Overcoming Stress

Stress. It has been shown to be the root cause of numerous illnesses and diseases, not to mention the fact that it can make life miserable. It has a negative effect on both the body and the mind. It somehow seems unavoidable, however, since we can't control the things that happen to us in life, can we?

While you can't control what happens in your life, you can control your response to those events. It is your interpretation of the events in your life and your response to them that determines your stress level and not the events themselves. If you lose your job and then constantly worry over how you are going to make ends meet and tell yourself that your chances of getting a new job are slim, you will find yourself very stressed. On the other hand, if you choose to look at it as an opportunity, using your free time after send out resumes to pursue activities you usually don't have time for, you might just end up feeling happier than ever.

Of course there are times when you will still feel stressed and just won't be able to "think" yourself out of it. Gentle stretching exercises, reading a good book, taking a bubble bath or going for a long walk are some examples of ways you can relieve stress and get yourself back on track. Managing your stress levels is an important part of keeping yourself healthy both mentally and physically.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

When do you need an Adjustment?

Regular Chiropractic adjustments can help reduce the wear and tear on your joints and keep your joints and ligaments moving fluidly for optimal health. These adjustments are an important part of your overall "body maintenance" and can help keep you feeling your best. Chiropractic adjustments are not meant solely to relieve or prevent back pain, they help your body function properly so you can achieve optimal health.

Of course, whenever your body is subject to any type of shock such as a fall, auto accident or strain from heavy lifting or strenuous activity, you should see your Chiropractor for an adjustment. Getting adjusted as soon as possible after an incident will help you to heal faster and decrease your pain.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Your Health

There are three important aspects of your health that you must take care of to achieve happiness and balance in your life:
  • Spiritual
  • Physical
  • Emotional

It is vital that you do something each day to take care of your health in each of these areas. Prayer and reading scriptures can help you care for your spiritual health, exercise and eating right can help you care for your physical health and learning healthy self-talk and stress managment techniques can help you care for your emotional health.

This blog is going to give me the opportunity to teach you various ways to care for yourself in each of these important areas of your life.

Friday, July 17, 2009


TGIF ladies and gentlemen! Yes, I know this blog just got off the ground, and this is probably the part where I should wow you with some deep, intense insider knowledge of the chiropractic community, but my policies on weekends are firm. You've got to take some time off to have some fun!

As a chiropractic professional I feel like I spend my days running from one appointment to another. I care for patients, advise other professionals like myself and study and gather material for my public speaking engagements. If I did this 24/7 I'd be burnt out before the end of the first month! Since I've been doing this for years now I can safely say that I've managed to achieve some balance in my life-and that balance feels good.

In honor of that balance Fridays here at Ask Dr. George! are going to be dedicated to discussing burn out, how to avoid it and what you can do to get your mind out of the office and back into the game where it belongs.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who Are You Talking To?

I'm sorry, I've been rude. Yes, by now you've probably already read my profile to make sure I'm not just another quack with a blog looking to hit it rich out on the Internet, but how much can you really learn about someone from a few brief sentences? I dislike these little mini-profiles intensely, because they never really give you a feel for who you're talking to or why they're qualified to have any idea what they're talking about.

My name is Dr. Chandler George, and for the past 10 years I've been a chiropractic professional in the Dallas area. I've spent the past 16 years of my life studying holistic treatments and complete wellness techniques so I can provide my patients with the latest new treatments and combine all the knowledge available to offer them the highest possible standard of care. You can learn more about my practice at

Over the years I've spent a tremendous amount of time studying not only how to treat my patients but also how to take the steps that are going to help my pratice grow in leaps and bounds. You can learn more about my coaching seminars and the information I'm offering for medical professionals such as yourself at Coincidentally, this is also the birthplace of the original "Ask Dr. George". Feel free to take advantage of it!

I look forward to having the opportunity to speak with you every week and to provide you with the information you need to make your practice an unqualified success.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Hi, and welcome to Ask Dr George! No, this isn't going to be a terminal Q&A session, although if you'd care to attach your comments and questions to any of my blogs I'd be happy to go back through and answer them. As a trained speaker, marketing guru and chiropractic and anti-aging professional I work with hundreds of people a week, and every one of them needs the same thing-an all in one source for great information mixed together with just enough fun to keep it interesting!

As medical professionals, my colleagues and I spend hours a week reading articles in journals and new publications that, while extremely useful, don't offer an all in one source of information on a variety of topics and can leave your head nodding by the third explanation of their processes and materials. (You laugh, but you have no idea how many of these long winded articles I've waded my way through in search of key information that could help my patients. Ladies and gentlemen, you know what I'm talking about!)

Welcome to Ask Dr. George. This is where we're going to talk about the hottest advances in the chiropractic field and new marketing opportunities for your business. We're also going to discuss continuing education, training for doctors and nurse practitioners, today's current events and, of course, the best iPod advances and downloads on the web!

So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.